

CoeLux High Tech 25 Smart Sky

The CoeLux High Tech 25 is pure magic: it reproduces the light of the sun and the sky in just a few centimetres of advanced technology giving a sensation of natural daylight that’s perfect for use even in settings with limited installation height. CoeLux High Tech 25 is a 25 cm thick rectangular artificial skylight which brings the sensation of...

Chill out with the Summer Sales

歷程照明現正進行「夏日優惠」,多款精選燈飾均可享有折扣優惠。 是時候為家居帶來煥然一新的感覺!立刻把握機會蒞臨歷程照明門巿,以驚喜優惠價格添置您心儀的設計燈飾! 優惠期有限,萬勿錯過!歡迎參觀選購。

最新推出 Delta Light Lighting Bible 14 New Collection

Get inspired by ambitious new lighting solutions and in-house designs that explore the limits of performance, architecture, design and technology. Cutting-edge optics, new textures, architecture-embracing solutions and decorative expressions offer you all the tools for your lighting projects. New CollectionsSPIXOCTAVOONOPLAT-OH!CUPPAD-LINERINLET TRIMLESSSUPERLOOP SLIM OUTSPIX SPIX As a projector for exterior use, Spix has...

Zodiac Lighting: Bring nature Indoors

How do you bring the outside in? Let us show you our suggestions to bring the outdoors inside through natural elements and inspirations from nature. When you bring the outdoors inside, your space will feel more light and airy. Brining outdoor elements inside can also help people stay more connected with...